Online Land Search in Sarawak

 Online Land Search in Sarawak

Land search will enable you to get information about the property including the owner details, property details including restriction of interest of the land, the encumbrance, charges, and caveat that is present on the property. Land search can be obtained by buying it from the land office.


1.0 What land search can be bought from the Sarawak Land office?

A. Simple Print-out

Contained detailed information from the title

Sarawak Simple Print-out Sample


Information disclosed from the Sarawak Simple Print-Out Sample

Section 1: Land Information

  1. Land Description: Contain Lot, Section and District
  2. Land area: Land size in square meters
  3. TRN Code: Sample code consists of Division, Title Type, Land District, Block/Section and Lot Number
  4. Land Location
  5. Map Sheet Number
  6. Land Classification
  • Reserved Land
  • Interior Area Land
  • Mixed Zone Land
  • Native Area Land
  1. Category of Land
  2. Term of land/ Leasing period
  3. Commencement & Expiry Date
  4. Annual Rent

Section 2: Ownership

Owner details including Name, Id Number and Share of the property

Section 3: Encumbrances

Contain current claims against the property by the entity that is not the owner, e.g.: Mortgage, Caveat, and Charge that were still enforced.

Section 4: Outstanding Fees to the Government

Rent Fees, premium, and Due of fees.

B. Sarawak Full Print-out

Contained the detailed information from the title including signed and stamped by the land officer

Sarawak Full Print-out sample

2.0 Information disclosed from the land search result:

Information disclosed from the Sarawak Full Print-Out

Section 1: Land Information

  1. Land Description: Contain Lot, Section and District
  2. Land area: Land size in square metres
  3. TRN Code: Sample code consists of Division, Title Type, Land District, Block/Section and Lot Number
  4. Land Location
  5. Map Sheet Number
  6. Land Classification
  • Reserved Land
  • Interior Area Land
  • Mixed Zone Land
  • Native Area Land
  1. Category of Land
  2. Term of land/ Leasing period
  3. Commencement & Expiry Date
  4. Annual Rent

Section 2: Ownership

Owner details including Name, Id Number, and Share of the property

Section 3: Encumbrances

Contain current claim against the property by the entity that is not the owner, e.g.: Mortgage, Caveat, and Charge that still enforce and past claims that are not applied anymore

Section 4:. Outstanding Fees to the government

Rent Fees, premium, and due fees.

Section 5:  Stamped and checked proof

All print-out will contain digitally stamped and checking proof on the last page of the print-out.


3.0 What information do you need to have to buy a Sarawak land search?

 The land officer will inquire about the Full title details before conducting the Land search.

  1. Lot Number
  2. District
  3. Section/Blok (If applicable)


  1. TRN Code


4.0 How much Land office charge to buy land search?

For Sarawak, the price to buy land search was counted by pages instead of per document as detailed below:

Types of Land Search EasyLaw service charge (RM))
Sarawak Simple Print-Out  First 2 page RM5, subsequent page RM5 
Sarawak Full Print-Out  First 2 page RM15, subsequent page RM5 


In summary, below are the differences between Simple Print-Out and Full Print-out results:

Details in the land search result  Simple Print-Out   Full Print-Out 
Land Information Yes Yes
Ownership Yes Yes
Current Encumbrances Yes Yes
Past Encumbrances  No Yes
Outstanding fees to the government   Yes Yes
Stamped and checked proof No Yes
Turnaround time 2 - 3 Working days  2-3 Working days 


4.0 How long do I have to wait to get a land search result?

If you give the correct title details and there is no issue with the land office system or title change; the turnaround time is between 2-3 working days.

However, if there is any issue with your title, you might have to go back and forth to the land office to check your land search status. However, there is an easier way for you, EasyLaw can help you to conduct your Sabah land search Online.


5.0 How to Conduct Online Sarawak Land Search with Easylaw?

Submit your order with EasyLaw via our website Here. Our service charge exclusive SST are as below:

Types of Land Search EasyLaw service charge (RM))
Sarawak Simple Print-Out 50
Sarawak Full Print-Out 50