Online Land Search In Selangor

Online Land Search in Selangor

Land search will enable you to get information about the property including the owner details, property details including the latest restriction of interest of the land, the encumbrance, charges, and caveat that is present on the property. Land search can be obtained by buying it from the land office.


What land search can be bought from the Selangor Land office?

  • Private Land Search (Carian Persendirian)
    • A printout in black and white that contains all of the relevant land office's title information.
  • Official Land Search (Carian Rasmi)
    • A printout in black and white, produced by the relevant land office, providing the full description of the property or plot of land, and bearing the signature and stamp of the Land Registrar on the last page, which is used as part of supporting documentation for submission to a government agency.
  • Certified True Copy of Title (Salinan Sah Hakmilik)
    • A duplicate of the original title that has been officially attested as being accurate by the land registrar. Not to be substituted for the presentation's original title.


Refer: Types of Land Search In Malaysia


Information disclosed from the land search result

What are the details contained in the land search result?

  • Ownership and address
  • Title Number: A unique number that identifies the properties (checking if the details given were the same as the property you were interested in)
  • Land status: Leasehold or freehold
  • Land Purpose: Agricultural, industrial, commercial or residential
  • Leasing expiry date
  • Land area: Land size in square meters
  • Malay reserve land
  • Restrictions in Interest: Restrictions in Interest, are mostly applicable to Leasehold land as any change of name needs to get a State Authority Consent approval letter first before.
  • Encumbrances: Claim against the property by the entity that is not the owner, e.g.: Mortgage, Caveat, and Charge)
  • Land transfer: The information on when and how the current registered owner(s) acquired the property from
  • Quit rent: Yearly Quit Rent rate of the land or property submitted for registration


Example of Selangor Land Search

Selangor Private Land Search 


Selangor Strata Private Land Search 


How much Land office charge to buy land search?

Types of Land Search Land Office Charges (RM)
Private Land Search 30
Official Land Search 50
Certified Ture Copy (CTC) Title 50


What information is needed to buy a land search?

The land office will inquire about the Full title details before conducting the land search.

Full title details including:

  1. Title type
  2. Title Number
  3. Daerah
  4. State
  5. Lot Number
  6. Mukim

However, it might be a situation where you cannot find the title details of the property you want to buy due to some circumstances. Hence, there is a service called extraction of title information. A service that helps you to get the full title details of the property where the title details will be extracted from a registered document in the land office. Extract your document now


How long do I have to wait to get a land search result?

If you give the correct title details and there is no issue with the land office system or title change; below is the turnaround time to get your land search result

Private Land Search (2 - 4 working days)

  • You can get the result quite fast for private land searches if there is no issue.

Official Land Search (2 - 7 working days)

  • Official Land search needs a longer time since the document needs to be signed and chopped by a land officer

Certified True Copy of Title (CTC) (> 1 month)

CTC will take a longer time as there is 2 item included which is CTC and Pelan Tanah (not compulsory to get); both need to be signed and stamped by the Land officer.

Below is the situation that might cause a delay on your CTC:

  • Delayed due to finding the Plan Tanah since there might be a situation where the Land office hasn’t acquired the Pelan Tanah from the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM)
  • CTC needs to be checked manually from the book (Hasn’t been transferred to the land office system).
  • Strata title needs a longer time for checking (Pelan Tanah for Strata Title is not provided by the land office for CTC)

In this situation, you might have to go back and forth to the land office to check your land search status. However, there is an easier way for you, EasyLaw can help you to conduct your land search Online.


How to conduct an online Selangor land search with EasyLaw?

Submit your order with EasyLaw via our website HERE. Our service charge inclusive SST are as below:

Types of Land Search EasyLaw Local Service Charge (RM) EasyLaw Outstation Service Charge (RM)
Private Land Search 20 70
Official Land Search 50 80
Certified Ture Copy (CTC) Title 50                                 80